I have come to the realisation that I just don't have time to do all the things I want to do. Just don't. I have kept up a mantra " I make time to do what I love", only I love ....a great many things and it would appear that there are just not enough hours in the day. I have also come to the realisation that I simply cannot do all the things I love right now, in each and every day and that it is perfectly ok. Perfectly O.K. I have an old tape recording running in my head that tells me if I don't fit all the things I love into any given day, then I have somehow failed in living my life fully. Failed to embrace the opportunities given, failed to organise my time, my headspace, my world. Failed. Thankfully, the cellulose is wearing thin and the voice is fading....not even audible in some places. Here is a list of some (and I mean some) of the things I have attempted to achieve each day : Meditate at first light. Write in my journal before breakfast (af...
Words and pictures.