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Showing posts from November, 2014

Brave Hearts

Lately I have been back to the Breast Surgeons rooms. Two surgeons operate from this office. A beautiful place on the top floor with an outlook that stretches over lovely gardens, an impressive fountain, all the way out to the ocean. The waiting room is packed. Every seat taken. Mostly women, with the occasional man, looking incredibly uncomfortable, with nothing but women's magazines to distract him from why he is there. I look around at all the faces. Which ones are here for the first time? I'm now an old hand so I can tell. The newbies are ones who cannot make eye contact with you. They stare at the floor, or at their phones, some turn pages of the glossy mags that feature beautiful two breasted women. However they don't see the pages, their phones or the floor. They can't hear the mumbles of their support team, those who have offered to be there, to hold their hand, to drive them home...after. They clutch at their X Rays, Mammograms and MRI's with every imag

Not so sucky..after all.

My son is sixteen. He will be seventeen on Christmas Day. For years now I have been endeavouring to in still the message of selflessness, however, he is sixteen, a boy and I feel the message has been lost on him. These days our conversations revolve around what he wants...."can you buy me this can you take me here" and what sucks. Cleaning his room sucks, bringing in the washing for me, sucks, having a shower, taking out the rubbish and walking the dog...all suck. Needless to say I had all but given up on his ever seeing outside of himself. Two events have changed everything. First a car accident. Thankfully we were not involved but it did happen right in front of us. I didn't see it at first as it was across the road from where were driving, but Cooper did. "Mum!!" he screamed, "pull over pull over, someone just crashed!" I diabolically veered onto a medium strip and before I could stop him he was out of the car and bolting across four lanes

Batter Up!

    Life. Life loves to pitch the curve ball. You're standing at the base plate, the ball has left the pitcher's hand, you know it's coming for you, straight for you, you brace yourself, take a breath in......but then, the curve. Sometimes the curve is slight, you can still see the ball's trajectory, so you adjust your stance, quickly think of a new approach and prepare to hit it out of the park. More often than not, the ball completely disappears from sight.   When that happens watch out!   You relax, you drop your guard. No need to panic, there is no immediate threat, no impending danger, everything is as it was before the ball left the pitcher's hand. Yes, the ball is still out there, hurtling through time and space, however you can't see it anymore. Out of sight out of mind, right? Eventually you forget about it and carry on your merry way, until one day it shows up again and smacks you in fair in the face.    With blackened eye and bloo