I've been giving myself some space. Room to move, to breathe, to decompress. I've been giving my mind freedom. Freedom from sorting, sifting, planning, creating...controlling. I've been letting go, exhaling, softening...giving up. Yes, giving up. What do I know about anything? Nothing. Out of that space has come forward a torrent of emotion, odd feelings, random thoughts and an overwhelming uncomfortable tiredness. I had no idea that I would feel this way. Out of that space my self belief has been challenged, my purpose shrouded in doubt and many questions have arisen. There are so many things I can do, so many things I can be. I have been bombarded with an outpouring of ideas. I can barely keep up with them. Ideas about my writing, ideas about other creative pursuits and ideas about my purpose. Usually this would see me planning, preparing and devising ways of executing these ideas, but I have just let them be....in the space ...with me. Which ones are...
Words and pictures.