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How is it, that strolling along on our perfect peaceful path, is so much harder than trekking backwards, uphill, blindfolded and in the rain, on some random track to nowhere??

How is it, that we know exactly what to do...but do the opposite?

Why do we choose to struggle, push, and deny ourselves the simple truth of who we are?

When did we decide that who we really are is not enough, not valuable and is worthless.?

Worth less.

When I am travelling in the right direction - my direction, I am so happy! When I am happy, I am so giving, so creative, so loving. Anything and everything is possible. Everyone I meet is an opportunity for me to share my joy, my knowledge, my heart.

So why is it so hard to stay there. Why do I wander into fear, distrust and such smallness. How come I can bear down, push hard, toughen up and clench my way through self destructive jobs, self created poverty and self abusive inner talk and turn away from my light, love and freedom?

Shouldn't playing in the garden of your own perfect soul be easy?

It is easy. Easy to walk on the beach. Easy to write. Easy to help and love others. Easy to love yourself without judgement. Easy to create and prosper.

We have chosen to devalue ourselves to the point of destruction. We have lost our way. We are confused and have forgotten which way is North.

I no longer want to crawl on my hands and knees. Head down, shoulders hunched. I do not wish for others to say 'well done, you have made it!" while my hands bleed, my heart aches and my attention is focused on a goal I can't remember choosing and I don't even want!

I have found my North again and I am back on track. I have decided to choose the road less travelled.  I am going with easy, with love, and with my truth.

I am choosing me.

Where is your path leading you?


  1. Lovely words! I can relate to this....Sometimes I wish I could keep a compass around my neck so I don't fall off track :)

  2. Well said - wishing you well on your track of Life. Always and always remember
    You are - Life - loves you!

  3. Wise Words :-) as usual your spot on DC

  4. Surround yourself with people who to make you happy and bring an occasional smile to your lips. The power or their happiness will develop your own power to make other people happy too.


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