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So where has my faith led me? Where am I now?

I am my own boss. I am the director, the CEO, the general and the captain of my own ship. How did I get here?

I stood at the precipice, pausing only long enough to gaze upward, toward the skies, taking in the sunlight for a brief moment before stepping outward.

Did I look down? Not likely. Looking down is dangerous. For far below, in the depths, lie fear, insecurity, self-judgement and whole lot of what-ifs. "What-if I fail?" What-if I get hurt, lose face, crash to the ground, broken and spent?

So I looked outward. I stepped outward. My instinct and my intuition led the way. Step by correct step. Am I a fool? Is this a safe way to travel? It is for me. Past experiences have taught me that when I follow someone else lead, I end up lost with my path a tiny dot in the distance. So I decided to just listen to what I felt deep inside and do it.

Sell the house....OK
Start your own business...OK
Build your own website, design your own LOGO, use your God given talents...OK, OK, OK!
Do not fear...OK
Trust in the Universe...OK
Have Faith...OK

Guess what? I am OK. Actually, better than ok. I am Fantastic! Each day now holds so much promise. Each day is a joy. Sure, sometimes it is a very LONG day. Sometimes I have typed and written and THOUGHT for hours upon hours but these hours have been mine. Mine to work or play with. Mine to create moment by moment.

I feel powerful, capable and finally authentic. I can see myself reflected in strangers eyes and I am happy with what I see. Me. True, honest, talented, creative, friendly, kind and successful. No longer caged by another's rules, no longer stifled by another's fear of originality or creativity. I am truly free.

Of course I will always be challenged, for that is life. That is how we grow and move forever outward. I will face more mountains and stand again on the precipice. I will be judged by others and I will have moments when I halter and question my direction, however ultimately I will choose my own personal freedom, my own authenticity, for this is my true compass.



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