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Jim Jams

Like  most people, when I make my bed I shove my pyjamas under my pillow. This morning I smile as I observe the unevenness of the bed pillows. On my husbands side two pillows sit straight and to attention, on my side the pillows balance precariously, on my stack of pyjamas, threatening to topple off at any moment.

What can I say, I like my Jammies. To me my Jim Jams are part of my emotional and physical support team. They offer me comfort when I need nurturing, they enable me to be free thinking and unobstructed, they say "AAAaaahhhhhh time to let go, relaaaaax!" or "You are free to create!"

It is not uncommon for me to be in my PJ's by 4pm. Sometimes with wine in hand. Not always, but sometimes. PJ's signal letting go. To me they represent true authenticity. Completely unguarded and open. No holding on or digging in. Loose, soft, free.
It is not uncommon for me to stay in my Jam Jams until midday. I love to write in my pyjamas. I love to cook in my pyjamas and sometimes I even sleep in them!

So why the stack? Surely I can't wear them all at once? You'd be surprised. At present my stack consists of my short shorts (my husbands name for them) and a singlet, another singlet (different colour) and 3/4 length cotton pants, long muslin hippy pants (and God bless all the hippies who totally "get"comfort) a 3/4 sleeve, loose fitting top and full length harem style soft baggy bottoms.

The short shorts I have had for a long time... perhaps too long. These have only ever been seen by my immediate family and usually only briefly as I run for the cover of a kimono style wrap (also a favourite... wearing one now as matter of fact) or on extremely hot evenings where cooking dinner or watching TV nude would just be pushing the friendship too far. My short shorts are thread bare, the elastic peering out from the few strands of cotton that are still hanging on for dear life. I should throw them out...BUT they are SOOOooo comfy. I usually start here, with the short shorts and a singlet.

Depending on how the evening progresses with regard to temperature and comfort, I usually transition into the 3/4 pants. These denim coloured, paisley patterned friends were once my "hospital" jammies. Three surgeries later you think I would be well shod of them, however they are a perfect weight for this time of year and they represent my resilience! Sometimes the hippy pants are called for (especially if somebody unexpectedly calls in - God Forbid) They are long and "swanny" you know, like a swan, (???) and have a modicum of style about them. (Well, once did) The long harem style pants with the Aztec design are my fav's at the moment, but it really isn't cold enough to wear them. I put them on, only to take them off 20 minutes later... soon, however, they will be replaced with flannelette cow print jammies, bed socks, Ugg boots and a huge sage coloured dressing gown and if it is cold enough a velvet and fake fur hat that I affectionately call my Dr Zhivago. Bring on winter, I say.

But all is not as perfect as it would appear. During the evening my PJ's (or various layers of them), will, at some point or another be torn off in a fury of panicked urgency. It usually starts with the ceiling fans switched on, the sliding doors opened, then the doors closed,  fans off... then repeat, until its me standing, tearing madly at my jammies, wraps and whatever else is suffocating me at the time.

My husband and son don't even notice anymore. They learned early on in the piece not to question this nightly ritual of madness. Women of my age know what I am talking about! Don't speak to me and whatever you do, don't fucking touch me!!!!! Five minutes later everything is back on, I have returned to my usual lovely demeanour and there is peace in the world once more... until the next flush.

I could of course just choose one set of pyjamas to suit the current weather and hormonal conditions, but that would mean limiting myself and my creative momentum. One set of PJ's?. How ludicrous!!

I believe that life is lived in the moments, the pleasures gained from the simplest of things. To feel good, to feel joy, is our true purpose. My Jammies feel good and I feel good in them. I am achieving life's goal every day. Amen.


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