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Every morning, every day.

My 75-year-old mother in-law takes cold showers. Every morning. Every day. I’m not talking about cool water, as in the hot water turned down low. I’m talking about NO hot water, the hot tap set to OFF! In she gets, all 45kilos of her, straight in to the icy water. Every morning, every day.

It is winter here at the moment. The air is cold. I know for a fact that her home is freezing in the winter (Like mine) and as a pensioner I know she does not use a heater or air-conditioning to warm it. “Too expensive” she claims. However, in she steps to a wall of liquid ice, every morning, every day.

Last week, over a cup of tea, we were talking about my health, her health and `feeling good’. I spoke of my usual aches and pains and of my unhappiness at the state of my physical being. I just don’t feel totally well anymore. I feel tired, stressed, overweight, achy and rigid.


“What you need is a cold shower” she calmly stated. I should have known this was coming, after all it is the fix for all things according to my beautiful mother in-law. Here is her list of just some of the benefits to taking a cold shower: Strengthens your immune system; relieves depression, improves circulation, increases alertness, makes your hair shinier and stronger, eases stress, stimulates weight loss, tightens and softens your skin, relieves body aches, increases testosterone in men, at night a cold shower can help you sleep…the list goes on and on.

I couldn’t do it. No way. I hate the cold at the best of times, but first thing in the morning and last thing at night. No bloody way! But then again, if a 75-year-old lightweight can do it…

My mother in-law set the challenge. “Just try 30 days and then judge it for yourself”. After some negotiation I agreed to do 7 days, mornings only and with starting off with warm water, showering, then turning off the hot for 30 seconds…and no more!

There is no describing that first time. There simply is no preparing yourself for it. I felt like I had been shot! After the initial screaming, I counted, out loud (really loud) for 30 seconds turning around and around under that stream of heart stopping cold, then I slammed the cold tap off. I hadn’t taken a breath. I think I sucked in and then just went into some sort of manic panic. “I am NEVER doing that again!” I screamed. Recovering for a second or two, I then stepped out of the shower…slightly lightheaded, but alive. I was warm. Usually I shudder and shake drying myself as quickly as possible, however this time I was warm. I felt FANTASTIC! Happy. Eager, dare I say it `Euphoric’. I had accomplished something I thought was impossible. I had survived. I felt empowered. I strode out of that bathroom a warrior-woman. Everything was possible. It was amazing. I began to wonder if every day would feel like this…but could I put myself through it again?????

Cold shower day two came and went, then day three also. It was getting easier. I knew what to expect. In fact, I started looking forward to it. Well, to be honest it was the euphoria of the aftermath that was my driving force, that feeling of power and excitement.

As I said it is winter here. Not as cold as some places in the world, some might even call it warm. For those of us who live here and are acclimatised, it is cold. I have been on a weekend winter beach retreat, to re-energise and connect with my sister. A bit of girl time. For the first time in my life I swam in the ocean in winter! It was magnificent! My sister stood on the shoreline, wrapped in a blanket…watching the crazy in the water, me. I dove under the water feeling like a mermaid, feeling cleansed by the salty water, feeling euphoric and unstoppable.

I don’t know how you could do that, my sister said to me on my return to the sand.

“It’s the Cold showers” I replied. “I am invincible”

So seven days in and I am hooked. I am even starting the night time cold shower as well. I feel so happy. Best anti-depressant ever! Now when I walk the beach, rugged up and striding swiftly, I carry my towel. I can hardly wait to dive in and to be re-born again. I give thanks for my life and for my power. I give thanks for my beautiful mother in-law for always encouraging me. I re-connect with endless possibilities and I strengthen my determination and will power, every morning, every day.

What you need is a cold shower…you just don’t know it yet.



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